Why do dogs eat grass?

Your darling beloved canine is obviously not a cow, neither does it moo. So, you may be a little perplexed at its grass-eating hobby. There’s no need to panic, this is a rather common thing among dogs. We’re pretty certain that your local vet would tell you just how much he answers this question from other concerned dog owners.
Research shows that pica – an eating disorder that makes people crave and eat weird things can affect dogs as well. It really is a head-scratching moment when you feed your pet a healthy meal only for it to go outside and eat grass! What does this mean? Why does my dog eat grass? You may wonder. Here’s some answer to ease your confusion.
My dog eats grass, why is that?
Nutrition Insufficiency
After feeding your dog what you consider a healthy meal and it still goes out to chomp on grass, it may be a sign that it is lacking a particular nutrient it needs to remain healthy, and eating grass is a way of filling that need.
Grass contains fiber and this fiber helps your dog in digesting its food and pooping with ease. If you notice your dog having trouble pooping or eating grass more than usual, you may want to switch up its diet with a high fiber content food. To help it curb its grass-eating tendencies.
It is also possible that there isn’t any underlying reason for your dog to eat grass. It may just simply like the taste. Same as humans, every dog has its own special personality and traits. So it is not uncommon to see your dog exhibit such weird tendencies.
It may be from Boredom
As humans, we sometimes do things unconsciously, such as biting our nails or tapping our feet out of boredom or anxiety. Dogs get like that as well. If your dog has been out in the yard for a while without exercise or proper doggy toys, it may take to eating grass to pass time and entertain itself.
If you notice your dog looking bored, you might want to increase the duration of your walks and playtime. Separation anxiety in dogs can cause behavioral problems and that includes eating grass. When leaving the house, you might want to leave clothing with your scent on it close to your pup. A familiar scent might be reassuring for it and may help you curb its grass-eating tendencies.
Stomach Upset
Stomach problems can make your pup eat grass. Some experts believe that grass can be a form of medication. It is an instinctive behavior dogs sometimes do. When your dog has tummy troubles it may turn to grass for relief, it is an attempt to induce vomiting after it has eaten something that would make it fall ill.
If your dog is eating grass to make itself throw up, it usually doesn’t completely chew on the grass. It swallows the glass blade whole. Some experts would say that these long strands of grass tickle their tummy and cause them to vomit.
Is grass safe for my dog to eat?
If your dog’s strange behavior is starting to bother you and you’re concerned about its health, there’s no need to panic, grass is completely safe for dogs. It is however of great importance that you keep a watchful eye on the type of grass it eats. Grass spray treated with pesticides or fertilizers can be dangerous for your dog when consumed. You need to ensure that your lawn is safe from any chemical product.
How can I stop my dog from eating grass?
Regardless of the reasons why a dog might eat grass, it not a healthy habit to encourage. The next time you see your dog eating grass, here are things you can do to curb this behavior.
Take it for a Walk
Take your dog out on long walks. Have it do exercises and practice commands. This would keep it excited and distracted. Remember to always reward them with dog treats when it gets a command right.
On your walk, if you notice that your dog keeps pulling you towards the grassy part of the park or road. Pull it away gently with a command and reward with treats. This process is gradual so you have to have patience.
Switch up Your Dog’s Diet
If you’ve been feeding your dog with routine meals – the same type of food, it is time to try new food. Try getting a premium dog food with high fiber content. This would ensure that your dog gets all the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs. A high fiber content food may help curb its grass-eating hobby.
If your dog remains healthy before and after eating grass, then it is doing it because it likes the taste. You can give your dog its own plant to munch on since it has decided to become a cow in habit. Plants like garlic grass, peppermint, astragalus herb, rosemary, etc. are all healthy plants your dog can eat.
Make Toys Available for it in Your Absence
It has already been established that boredom and anxiety can be a reason for your grass eater to take to eating grass. If you’re going to leave it, make sure it has enough toys to play and entertain itself with. This might help prevent it from being bored and may also help curb its grass-eating habit
Plant repelling Plant Borders on the Grass
There are some plants that dogs find repelling. The scent of these plants around grass can prevent your dog from being interested in chomping on one. Plants such as; lemongrass, marigold, aloe vera, marigold, etc.
Visit your Vet
After all this attempt and your dog is still bent on eating grass, the cow! The only option left is to visit your local vet. The vet can examine your dog in order to ensure that they’re no physical or health condition responsible for it. He/she may offer you options and solutions to tackle the problem.