The Benefits of Adopting a Dog from a Shelter

Thinking about bringing a dog into your home? If so, instead of heading off to a pet store, you should seriously consider checking out your local animal shelter. Here’s a look at some of the biggest advantages of adopting a rescue dog.
Did you know that many pups that are brought into shelters, whether it’s because they are strays or because their previous owners abandoned them, are euthanized? Many shelters end up putting dogs down, especially those that have been taking up residence for a long time, simply because they have to free up space for new dogs that are brought in.
While it’s true that there are no-kill shelters, a lot of their residents end up staying on a long-term basis.
Whether it’s a kill or a no-kill shelter, when you adopt a rescue dog, you can save a life. You’ll prevent the potential of euthanizing at a kill shelter, and you’ll give a pooch that has been living at a no-kill shelter a new lease on life. Plus, you’ll open up a spot at the shelter for another canine that needs protection.
If you buy a dog from a pet shop, chances are that your canine companion will be the result of puppy mills. If you haven’t heard, puppy mills are in the business of breeding dogs for the sole purpose of making money. Dogs are intensively bred and are treated inhumanely; many “parents” at puppy mills aren’t allowed out of their crates, some never see the light of day, and almost all of them receive absolutely no affection.
Puppy mills aren’t just bad for the dogs that are being bred; they’re also bad for the puppies that they “create.” Many dogs that come from puppy mills are inbred or are treated so poorly that they have severe health defects, aggressive behavior, and trust issues that can never be corrected.
When you adopt a pet from a shelter, you’ll be fighting in the battle against puppy mills. Plus, your dog will likely be a lot healthier and happier.
The cost of adopting a pet from a shelter is a fraction of the price that it will cost you to purchase one from a pet store or a breeder. Reputable breeders can charge several thousands of dollars for their puppies. On top of that, you’ll still have to pay to have your pet microchipped (which is highly recommended), inoculated, and spayed or neutered.
Shelters do charge adoption fees, but they are significantly less than the amount a breeder or pet store will charge. Plus, your dog will be fully screened by a veterinarian, and the majority of shelters vaccinate and spay or neuter their residents before they are adopted. If your dog had a health issue while he was staying at the shelter, chances are that it will have been attended to before you adopt; for example, if a puppy has a cherry eye (a common canine condition), it will likely be corrected before he is put up for adoption, and at no cost to you.
Whether you’re looking for a puppy, a fully trained adolescent, or a senior dog, you’ll be able to find a kindred spirit at a shelter. Rescues take in all types of dogs; purebreds, mixed breeds, puppies, adults, and seniors, and even dogs that have been completely trained. Many also provide training on-premises. No matter what type of pooch you’re looking to find, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ll be able to find one at a shelter.
These are just some of the benefits of adopting a dog from a shelter. If you’re thinking about bringing a four-legged friend into your family, skip the breeder or the pet store and instead, check out your local shelter. There are plenty of dogs that would love to have a “fur”-ever home.