How to Potty Train a Puppy

Congratulations! You’ve just added a furry new addition to your home!
Puppies are so awesome! They’re small, squish, soft, and oh-so cuddly. One look into those puppy dog eyes and you’ll be ready to swoon. That is until you see a little “gift” on the rug or walk through a puddle of piddle on your tile floor.
Puppies are a lot like human babies, especially in regard to the whole potty thing. They don’t know where to go, and it’s often hard for them to hold it in; when the urge strikes, they just let it out wherever they are. As a pet parent, it’s up to you to teach your puppy where to use the bathroom.
While housebreaking a pup might seem like a daunting task, with the right tools, you’ll be surprised by how quickly your dog will learn. Here are some tips that will help you potty train your puppy so that you can enjoy fewer messes and frustrations and more playing and cuddling.
Cleaning is Key
Canines are den animals. They are also instinctively clean creatures. They seek out shelter, and they aren’t going to mess where they sleep or seek shelter. Furthermore, when they’re in the wild, a puppy’s mother will keep its den clean. Since your dog isn’t in the wild and probably isn’t near his mother, you’re going to have to do the job of keeping his space clean.
If your puppy has soiled a spot, clean it up as soon as possible. Don’t just pick it up or wipe it up; thoroughly cleanse and deodorize the area. Doing so will eliminate the scent, which will help your pet disassociate the area as a “bathroom”.
Use a Crate
Most experts recommend using a crate for potty training purposes. While you might not be keen on the idea of confining your furry little bundle of joy to an enclosed space, it’s actually a very effective way to potty train a puppy.
Canines are den animals. In the wild, they seek out caves for protection. Believe it or not, your puppy will actually love being inside his crate. It’s like his own little hideaway; his safe and secure space. Even if you don’t provide your pet with a crate, he’ll seek out a “den” of sorts somewhere in your home; under a table or a bed, perhaps.
The premise behind crate training is simple: dogs are very clean creatures and they will avoid soiling their space as much as possible. Hence, keeping your puppy in a crate will improve potty training success.
Stay on Schedule
Just like human babies, puppies are creatures of habit and they like consistency. Setting a schedule – and sticking to it – will help your pup learn what to expect and when to expect it. Establish specific times for eating, training, playing, walks, outside visits, and even sleeping. Also, keep in mind that puppies usually have to use the bathroom are right after they wake up, after they eat, and after they play. If you’re using a crate, your little guy (or gal) will also have to use the bathroom as soon as you let him out.
Establish a Potty Spot
Decide on a spot for your puppy’s potty, and make sure that let him know that that’s the spot where he should be using the bathroom. For example, if you have a spot in your backyard where you want your puppy to go, make sure you take him out to that spot for every potty break; right after he wakes up after he eats, and when you’re done playing, for example.
By following these tips, you and your puppy should be on the road to potty training success in no time.