Name Brands Of Generic Pet Meds
There are several pet medications for dogs, cats, and other kinds of animals. You should be careful not to give them medication without the approval of a vet, but the range of medicines might vary.
In order to keep your pet as healthy as possible, you might have several prescription medicines on hand. After all, pets could become as close to our heart as your own children. You hence have to take care of their allergies, diseases, and other ailments. This is especially necessary as they grow older and their immune systems are no longer up to the task of fighting off most illnesses.
There are several name brand medications that many dog owners swear by for the health of their pooch. However, you might be able to save a bit of cash and go for a convenient route by buying a generic alternative to the name brands as well. These are more easily available and will also be easier on the pocket. As long as the dog’s prescription doesn’t say “Dispense as written” or something similar, you can probably fill it up with a general pet medication.
If you’re not sure which generic alternative is the best one for your name brand pet medications, keep on reading. We’ll take you through some of the most popular options for dogs as well as what you can use as a cheaper yet equally effective substitute.
Heartgard Plus for Dogs
This tablet is a chewable one that’s used for protection against several ailments in canines, including heartworms. In addition to this, it also provides a treatment for hookworms and roundworms. It can hence act as both a curative and preventative measure. The key ingredients here include Ivermectin, Pyrantel pamoate, etc.
The generic alternatives to Heartgard Plus for Dogs are Iverhart Plus and Tri-Heart Plus. These contain much of the same formulation and the key ingredients to boot.
Rimadyl is a highly popular medication among dog owners, especially those that have senior pets at home. Older dogs are more prone to arthritis, inflammation, stiffness, and other types of painful illnesses. With Rimadyl, we have an anti-inflammatory drug that can treat the arthritic pain along with the harmful inflammation. The drug is non-steroidal, with the key ingredients including Carprofen. This is a painkiller that can numb the pain while the medicine does its work. This is why Carprofen is also used for post-operative pain in animals.
If Rimadyl isn’t available or is too expensive for you, see of Novox Caplets are accessible instead. These are a generic alternative that can act just as well as Rimadyl.
Thyro-Tabs (L-Thyroxine)
Thyro-Tabs is a medication prescribed by vets in order to treat hypothyroidism in both cats and dogs. This is a condition that could lead to severe heart conditions or even heart failure in small animals. With Thyro-Tabs, you can treat the situation to avoid the worst case scenario. The key ingredients in this medicine include Levothyroxine.
There is no name of any generic alternative to Thryo Tabs, but you should be able to locate some Levothyroxine tablets as a substitute.
Enacard is a pet medication that’s geared toward handling your dog’s blood pressure. It is mostly used for reducing symptoms of heart problems, such as congestive heart failure. Many dogs suffer from such issues, especially when they get on in years.
There are also generic alternatives to Enacard, such as Enalapril. You should be able to obtain this easily and administer to your dog if required.
If your dog suffers from pulmonary edema, congestive heart issues, kidney disease, edema, high blood pressure, or similar ailments, Salix is a common prescription pet medication. It’s a diuretic that can combat the inflammation causing these diseases and more. The key ingredient in this medicine is Furosemide.
The generic alternative to Salix is Furosemide. This is also the name of its general alternative.
This is also a non-steroidal pet medication. It’s used to treat a dog for dermatitis, also known as allergic eczema. The key ingredients for this medication include modified Cyclosporine.
The generic alternative to Atopica is the same as the key ingredient. You can buy this more easily and at cheaper rates than the prescription medicine itself.