Is It Okay to Give My Dog Supplements Meant for Humans?

People take supplements or vitamins to help us become stronger and to boost our immune systems. If you own a pet dog, have you ever wondered about whether such supplements can be taken by your dog? If you are like us, you probably have. As a dog owner, you’ve probably imagined your dog getting all the benefits from human supplements. But can you really give your dog supplements that are meant for humans?
We want our dogs to be healthy, and it’s only natural to want to give them vitamins to make them stronger. The thing is, there isn’t really enough data to confidently say that human supplements can help dogs. However, there is evidence that certain vitamins or supplements can actually work and provide nutrition.
Just like what vitamins do to humans, it can also help keep your dog healthy, and help in terms of regulating various body conditions or chemicals that are needed to maintain a healthy body. It can act as a protection against certain sicknesses, and it can also help release toxins as well.
Similar to humans, supplements target different aspects in a dog’s body. For example, if you want your dog to have healthy teeth, then you can probably give it Vitamin D. For healthier skin and hair, Vitamin A is needed.
If you plan on giving your dog supplements, make sure to give it water-soluble ones, and give it in a small amount only. You can try giving it the most common supplements such as B-Complex, Vitamin C, Biotin, Folic Acid or Fish Oil. If you are giving your dog gel capsules, make sure you cut it and add the oil to your dog’s food. Remember for your dog’s food, you should seek out your veterinarian’s recommendation.
Below are some types of vitamins and their benefits:
- Vitamin A – for skin, vision, motor and immune system
- B-complex – overall health and function of all the systems of the body
- Vitamin D – can act as protection from various types of diseases
Make sure you don’t give your pooch vitamins that are fat-soluble. This is because your dog won’t be able to flush it out of its digestive system, which in some cases may lead to poison.
While supplements can be beneficial, you need to make sure that you select the right one for your pet. Giving too much supplements can harm your dog and lead to health risks and problems. According to some experts and results of research, dogs can suffer from dehydration and weight loss because of too much Vitamin A, so be careful if you plan on giving your dog that supplement.
Since you have the freedom and possibility to give your dog any supplements that you want, along with the wide array of vitamins to choose from, make sure that you consult your veterinarian about it first. You should first determine whether your dog actually needs it in the first place. Never give your dog anything without consulting your veterinarian first.