How Crate Training Can Benefit Your Dog

Puppies are cute and adorable balls of fur – until they aren’t anymore. Young dogs live off of instinct and their behavior forms as a result of their environment. Teaching your puppy to go to the toilet outside or to go to their bed when they’ve been naughty is a challenge that many owners find frustrating when their dog refuses to listen.
Molding your dog’s behavior shouldn’t have to be so hard. Smacking or shouting at your dog isn’t a productive way of disciplining their behavior. In most cases, this type of action will make your dog feel insecure and threatened – that’s not ideal.
Crate training your dog is a practical way to reinforce the rules for your dog without taking physical action, and it’s also useful for them to have a place to make their own.
Dog crates are plastic or wooden structures that allow enough room for your dog to stand up and turn around. The walls are higher than your dog’s head and prevent it from jumping out of the crate. Some crates come with a roof, and a gate, with carrying handles to allow you to transport the dog to the park or a show.
The purpose of a crate is to give your dog a place where they feel secure and free from threats to their safety. This forced confinement helps them deal with punishment and behavior training by assisting them to identify when they’ve done something wrong.
Dog crates offer advantages to both you and your furry friend. Send your dog to their safe space before you go out, and you won’t have to worry about coming home to a soiled carpet and a torn-up couch. Use the confinement strategy to house-train your pooch and prevent accidents overnight while everyone’s asleep.
House Training
Crating helps your dog associate the crate with its special place in your home. Dogs don’t like to soil their living space, so you won’t have to worry about accidents unless they’re desperate to do their business and you’re not around to let them out of the crate.
Anxiety Relief
Many dogs deal with separation anxiety – especially when they’re puppies. This anxiety often results in howling sessions that could drive your neighbors mad or a build-up of frustration in the animal that forces them to take it out on your furniture. Crating gives your dog a safe space where they feel secure and confident, helping them cope with their anxiety. If this is an issue for your dog, there are even crates designed for dogs with separation anxiety.
Behavior Control
If you’ve got guests coming over and you’re concerned about how the dog will react to your guests and their children, send your dog to the crate and don’t worry about anyone tripping over the animal, or kids receiving a defensive bite because your dog isn’t social around children.
A travel dog crate with solid sides and a lockable gate are essential for transporting your dog around town. Keep them safe in the car, and secure during trips to public places.
Crating may seem like a barbaric tool for teaching proper dog behavior. However, it’s critical to note that it takes dogs plenty of training to recognize verbal and visual commands. Failure to train your dog with correct behavior when they’re a puppy will turn your dog into a disobedient and unsocial animal as they mature into adolescence.
Crating is a useful tool for training your dog to recognize the behavior you desire in the animal. Do yourself and your furry friend a favor and buy them a crate.