Checklist for Buying a Puppy

Are you thinking about buying your own puppy? Getting a puppy can be exciting, but it also involves a lot of dedication and long-term commitment. It can depend on your preference and lifestyle, and you need to know exactly what to do in order to find a puppy that will suit you best. However, buying a dog isn’t simply going to a pet store or breeder and finding one that you like. If you are planning on buying a puppy, below is a checklist to help you find the right puppy for you:
The first thing to take note of when you are buying a puppy is to take a look at your lifestyle. Do you want an energetic dog that likes to have long walks? If you do, then you might not want to get yourself a lapdog. You can also research on various types of breeds and the temperaments and health issues or concerns that come with them.
You can also consult a veterinarian or other dog owners. They will be able to provide you with a better idea of the potential needs the dog you are planning to buy will have. This will also help you decide about what type of breed you want to have.
If you end up buying a puppy that is poorly bred, you may find yourself encountering genetic problems in the future. Make sure that you can tell the difference between reputable and unethical breeders. A reputable breeder or pet store gives importance to their puppies. If you are buying from a breeder, he or she will ask about your lifestyle, along with your future plans for the puppy. Reputable breeders often have long waiting lines, which is one of the signs you should be looking out for. Reliable and trustworthy breeders will also be able to provide you with a genetic guarantee for your puppy, and many are registered with the AKC.
Having a puppy isn’t all about fun. Your puppy needs the proper nutrition, care, and protection against sickness and parasites such as fleas. Owning a puppy will cost you quite some money, so make sure that you are prepared for the expenses that come with buying food, toys, and other necessities, and for paying any vet bills that may pop up.
Once you have ensured that you have the budget for your puppy, it’s time to buy the necessities. It is important to be equipped with the right items before bringing home your puppy. Below is a checklist of some the most basic items you will need as you welcome your new puppy to your home or family:
- Dog crate – Having a dog crate will make sure that your puppy remains safe and secure. This also helps you bring it with you when you travel. Crates can also be helpful when training your puppy, because you won’t have to worry when you have to leave them unattended. Make sure you get a crate that is big enough for them to stretch in.
- Dog bed – Your puppy needs a comfortable place to sleep in, so it is advisable for you get one that will be big enough for your full-grown dog.
- Puppy collar – You can easily choose a collar that fits the breed of your puppy. However, make sure that it isn’t too tight; you should be able to fit two fingers underneath the collar easily. Get dog ID tags, as well, so that if your dog gets lost someone will be able to contact you.
- Grooming tools – Professional grooming can cost quite some money, so make sure you also have some basic grooming tools like scissors and dog nail clippers in handy.
- Dog bowls – Your puppy needs to eat! Make sure you have bowls for food and water.
- Clothes – Clothing can protect your puppies from the cold, so make sure you also have a few of these items if you live in a climate that can get chilly.
- Puppy toys – Toys are vital when it comes to developing your puppy’s skills.
- Shampoo and bathing essentials – Choose a good dog shampoo that won’t irritate their eyes and skin.