Can You Give Your Dog Piriton?

Your dog is a significant part of your life. Your furry friend is a bundle of joy that you simply can’t live without. You want your dog to be safe and happy at all times, as your pet’s happiness is greatly extended to you. The happy disposition and proper grooming of your adorable canine companion reflects dramatically in you as its loving owner. And it certainly breaks your heart if your beloved dog suffers from skin allergies, hay fever, hypersensitivity reactions to dust mites, and bee wasp stings that leads to ugly symptoms of itching, scratching, runny nose, and irritated eyes on your pooch. You would want to help your dog find instant relief from the signs of allergy, but you need to consult your dog’s vet first before you give antihistamine medication for your pet. Though it is tempting to open your medicine cabinet and give Piriton to your dog, you need to be careful on self-medicating your pet because the risks are high if you give the wrong dosage. Generally, Piriton is safe for dogs, but only when given the right way.
Piriton is a brand name for chlorphenamine, which is a first-generation antihistamine that can be purchased over the counter. It is also known as chlorpheniramine, and is produced for the consumption of humans only. Piriton is a medication intended to relieve itching or allergic reactions, and taking this medicine promotes sleepiness.
Though Piriton is created for humans only, it is common knowledge that many veterinarians are prescribing Piriton to dogs. In fact, Piriton is the best choice for vets as antihistamine for small dogs in order to treat their allergies. Piriton is safe for your dog as a treatment for allergies, and though there is no absolute cure for allergies, at least your dig can have relief from the offending allergen brought about by the environment.
Chlorphenamine is designed the way other antihistamines are created, but the huge difference is the particular intention of directly attacking the histamine-1 receptors that are normally located in small blood vessels and smooth muscles. What typically happens that causes allergy is the connection of the histamine to the blood vessel’s receptors, which leads to the augmented absorbency of the histamine. The amplified permeability of the histamine contributes to the leakage of fluids into the adjacent tissues, which causes swelling and itching. And the attachment of the histamine to the blood vessel receptors also affected the smooth muscle’s receptors that are typically located in the airways. This attachment to the smooth muscles by the histamine is the source of the constriction in the airways that is responsible for the hardship of breathing in your dog.
Piriton is developed in order to efficiently prohibit the connection of histamine to the histamine-1 receptors. The prevention of the contact between the two factors is definitely needed, because without the connection, there will be no enhanced penetrability in the blood vessels, and itching will not occur. And when the histamine did not successfully made contact with the histamine-1 receptor, the airway will not be constricted, and so your dog will find it easier to breathe.
Watch out for the following look and conduct of your dog, because these are the signs that your dog needs antihistamine like Piriton.
Your dog’s face is turning red and shows signs of hair loss, resulting in scratching or frequent scratching of the face using the paws or rubbing the face against the floor, wall or furniture.
There is a waxy discharge on your dog’s ears, and your pet’s ears are reddened as well as emits unsavory odor. Your dog will always be scratching the ears or rubbing them in the floor, walls, or furniture.
Your canine friend starts to have ugly bald spots, and there is noticeable discoloration in the areas where your dog frequently licks. You will notice that your pet is scratching and licking the elbows, belly, sides, and groin more often.
Your dog’s skin is reddened and it can potentially build scales or crusts. Foul odor can also be produces especially when your dog has secondary infections. This symptom is typically obvious with your dog’s constant scratching and licking of the belly, sides, groin, and elbows.
The feet of your dog will show signs of redness and inflammation, as well as it will have bad odor. There will also be discoloration in the parts where your pet often licks the feet. Your dog’s behavior will include frequent licking and chewing of the pads of the feet, and the whole feet.
As all other medications manufactured in the market, Piriton does not come flawless and without side effects. And since Piriton is not originally designed for dogs, extra precaution is needed when you administer this medication to your dog. Yu always need to follow the vet’s instruction to avoid severe side effects on your dog when taking Piriton. The typical side effects of this antihistamine medication are:
- Sleepiness or drowsiness
- Confusion
- Anxiety
- Constipation
- Dry mouth
- Restlessness
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhea
- Rapid breathing
- Urination problems
- Reduced coordination
- Irritability
- Ringing in ears
- Issues with concentration
- Unnatural thirst
- Changes in behavior
Watch out for the following look and conduct of your dog, because these are the signs that your dog needs antihistamine like Piriton.