When Do Puppies Lose Their Teeth?
Just in case you are wondering, puppies also lose their baby teeth just like children. If you have a newborn puppy, you should probably expect it to have its baby teeth just in two months.
However, puppies’ teeth are a little different from babies’ teeth. Children only have a total of twenty milk teeth, while puppies have more, having twenty-eight milk teeth. Overall, adult dogs have an average of forty-two teeth.
Puppies will have their first milk teeth come out when they are around a month old. After about one and a half months, most puppies will most likely have had all of their baby teeth out already. Be careful though, puppy milk teeth are sharp because they don’t have any molars.
Nonetheless, your puppy will start to lose their milk teeth earlier compared to those in children. In just a few months, your puppy’s milk teeth will now begin to come out. However, unlike those in children, the new adult or permanent teeth of your pet will just push out the baby teeth, allowing it to fall off. This typically happens when your pup is around three or four months, but it can differ depending on the breed of your puppy. This will also be the time when you can start to feed your puppy food instead of milk.
Your puppy will have to go through the teething process as it grows its teeth. You will notice that your puppy may become irritable, and it will also be drooling as well. This can be a difficult and stressful time for your puppy, so you need to look for things to chew on so that you can help it. Chewing will help relieve your puppy of the discomfort. Teething doesn’t only happen when they grow their milk teeth, you should also help your puppy especially when all its adult or permanent teeth start to emerge as well. You would want your puppy to still be relieved, so it is still important to make sure that you provide it with the necessary teething toys it will need.
The first teeth to come out are the incisors, and these are the front ones that are on the top and bottom of your dog’s teeth. The next ones to fall off are your puppy’s fang-like canine teeth. Once your puppy loses all its teeth, all the permanent ones will have emerged when your dog is about six months old. Make sure that you check your puppy’s mouth regularly when it is starting to grow its adult teeth because this is also the perfect time to train them for when you will be brushing its teeth.
Your puppy’s baby teeth may also not end up falling off when the permanent tooth starts to emerge. This is when a tooth isn’t properly reabsorbed or if it doesn’t fall off, and your dog is faced with two teeth in one socket. This can lead to problems like infection and tooth decay, which can also cause damage to the permanent teeth. If you notice this on your puppy, make sure that you bring it to the vet right away to evaluate your options on how to treat it.