What To Do About My Dog’s Excessive Snorting
Our pet dogs look cute. Most often they are excited and they make all these sorts of sounds such as sneezing and snorting. But have you ever wondered why? Have you ever asked yourself why your pet dog seems to be constantly sneezing? Or is it snorting? If you think that your dog may be excessively snorting, then below can be some of the reasons why, and what you can do about it:
Most often, many pet owners may think that sneezing and snorting in their dogs are the same. This is because these two actions are quite hard to differentiate from one another. These two actions are so similar that many pet owners may constantly mistake them for one another. However, sneezing is actually something that is involuntary, while snorting is voluntary.
Sneezing is usually caused by something that is irritating your pet’s airway or nasal massages. But what causes snorting? You pet dog snorts because of various reasons. While it may usually seem like a response to something that it irritates their nasal passages, it may be signs of infections or allergies.
- Physical Build and Breed Type – If you have a pet Pug, Shih Tzu, bulldog or Pekingese, then you will probably find your dog snorting from time to time. This is because of the shape of its skull. These breeds have a flat and wide skull shape, making them prone to snorting. Hence, they are more prone to respiratory illnesses.
- Airway Obstruction – Your dog may also have airway obstruction, or what can also be called the brachycephalic syndrome. Their snorting is a way for them to clear their respiratory areas free from debris or fluids.
- Excess Weight – If your dog is obese, or if it is on the heavier side compared to the normal weight, then it may show symptoms of snorting. This is because these sort of pets are much more prone to upper airway obstruction as well, compared to other pets that aren’t that heavy. Starting to feed your pup targeted weight-loss dog food may help in this case.
Isolate Your Pet, Confine it, and Let it Rest
If your pet has been excessively snorting, then you may put it back in its crate or leave it in your room for a while so that you can observe its behavior. Check if the change of environment will make it feel better, or if it stops the snorting.
Don’t Put Excessive Strain on Your Dog
If your pet is suffering from excessive snorting, then you should avoid overworking it or straining it. Stop long walks or excessive exercises first until you’ve observed its condition. Check if it is the cause of snorting.
Check Your Pet’s Condition
Does your pet dog have a fever? If your pet seems to be snorting, and if it also has a fever at the same time, then you should bring it to your veterinarian right away.
If your pet dog suddenly starts to snort and doesn’t seem to stop, then you should bring it to your veterinarian. Other severe symptoms include difficulty in breathing, and/or if your dog doesn’t seem to be itself. Poor appetite may also be present. There might be something blocking its nasal passage, or it might have inhaled something. These are usually signs of a condition that needs urgent help. Bring your dog to the veterinarian right away in order to have it checked.