Signs That Your Dog Might Be Sick

While your dog may be able to understand you and your feelings, as a pet owner, you also need to be able to comprehend theirs. Taking care of a dog requires more than just training it to follow orders. You should be able to give it proper care, food, shelter, and this includes caring for it whenever it becomes sick. To do this, you need to be able to tell if your dog is healthy by recognizing potential problems in its health.
As your dog ages, it will be more at risk of becoming sick because of other external factors. The difficult thing about this is that dogs aren’t able to articulate their problems, discomfort, or the pain that they’re feeling the way humans can. It is only visible through their actions, physical state, and behavioral indicators. Just like people, dogs can also get sick. Some health conditions are common, while some cases may be special. But how can you tell if your dog is sick? What are the signs to look out for?
Physical changes are some of the easiest identifiable signs that your dog isn’t feeling well. Watch out for signs or symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, bites, rashes, or broken limbs. If your dog is limping, then there might be something wrong. If your dog gets tired easily, then it may also be a sign of discomfort as well.
Most often when dogs are sick, their behavior also changes. These changes happen almost abruptly. For example, if your dog is usually a happy pill that is energetic, it may suddenly start to become aggressive, grumpy, moody or lethargic. Sometimes getting close to the affected part of your pet’s body will also cause him to growl or whimper. Your pet may also show signs of wanting to get more attention. If you notice these signs, better consult your veterinarian.
Although your dog losing weight doesn’t always mean that there is a problem, sudden occurrence may indicate health issues especially if your dog loses a lot of weight. This is also alarming if your dog isn’t on a diet or doesn’t exercise regularly. Dogs who also gain too much weight without any lifestyle changes may also be a sign of health problems.
Another sign that your dog may be sick is if loses its appetite. If your dog doesn’t want to eat but wants to drink a lot of water, then you might need to tell your veterinarian about it. Other more serious symptoms of illness include diarrhea and vomiting, as previously mentioned, also need medical attention.
Signs such as coughing, a runny nose, and redness of the eyes may also indicate sickness. If your dog exhibits these symptoms, then they may be suffering from a cold or flu. With this, it is best to check the tongue and gums of your dog, and if it is having problems breathing.