How Can I Get Dog Hair off My Clothes?

One of the results of having a furry friend is the shedding of dog hair. This hair can be found all over the house, from the living room couch to the bedroom. Their hair can also get on our clothes, which can be a downside to owning a dog. On the bright side, there are many solutions to removing this unwanted hair. Here are some ways to get dog hair off of your clothes:
An affordable item that is easily accessible in the home and effective in removing dog hair is duct tape. Although this is not what it is typically used for, this is still a great tool to use to get the job done. When washing your clothes is not an option at the moment or you may not have a lint roller on hand, consider using this as an alternative. To use this method, simply cut off pieces of the tape and adhere them to your clothes to pick up the fur. Then peel it off with a subtle speed. This allows for the hair to grip onto the tape and leaves your clothing clean.
A lint roller is a classic way to easily remove any unwanted lint or hair from your clothing, including fur from your pet. This tool uses sticky paper on a barrel with a handle that when rolled over clothing, picks up lint, fur, hair, and more. These are very handy, but some are more efficient due to the adhesive on the paper being better and sticker than others. When the stickiness is just right, it will take off dog hair quickly and with ease. A plus to using a lint roller is that all the hair is collected on the paper so you do not have to worry about them ending up all over the place.
When seeing this method, you may wonder “Why should I dry my clothes before washing them?” Drying your clothes prior to putting them in the washing machine gives the clothes a softer feel and makes hair loose enough to be caught for removal. While the cycle is going, some of the hair will get caught in the lint trap of the dryer. When it is done, shake out your clothes and clean the lint trap of everything caught in it. Following this, wash and dry your clothes as normal. Ensure that you clean out the dryer’s lint trap after this as well.
Another solution to taking pet fur off of your clothes is using a sponge. First, find an open space where you can lay out your clothes. If you are not doing this outside, it is advised to do it over a trash bag to prevent hair from getting onto the floor. Get a dry sponge and move it down the length of the clothes to collect all the fur towards the bottom of the clothing item. A suggestion when doing this is to use the side typically used for scrubbing pots and pans. Because it is more abrasive than the other side, this makes it easier for the hairs to be removed. If you are having trouble picking up the hair with a dry sponge, dampen it slightly but not too much. The clothes should still be dry enough to catch the hair.
These are some great ways to combat the hairs that your furry friends may leave behind unintentionally. See what method works best for you!