How to Train Your Puppy Effectively

There are quite a few different ways to train your puppies, and the one you should choose will depend on several factors. These include what exactly you are planning to teach your dog and the kind of rewards it is most motivated by. If you are starting from scratch, the initial things you will need to focus on include their names, potty training, and how to prevent them from biting you, your family members, and strangers as well. Puppy training treats are one of the most popular ways to begin training your pup.
What Should You Do Before Training Your Pup?
Before you begin, you will need to make sure you are well prepared. If you do not know what you are doing, you will probably end up promoting aggression and other negative behaviors in your pup. Once you have decided what you want to teach your dog, start researching and watching videos on what procedures to follow. Make sure you use kind and gentle methods like positive reinforcement and avoid harsh methods like shock collars. Invest in good quality puppy training treats that your dog will not be able to resist, and start indoors in a room without distractions.
How Do You Begin Training Your Puppy?
It is important to remember at all times that patience is vital. Rushing or trying to find shortcuts will not get you anywhere, and if you get aggressive or impatient, your pup can experience unnecessary stress. Break everything down into small lessons, and focus on one lesson at a time. Once your dog gets the hang of it, you can move on to other lessons and start linking them together. Make sure to give your dogs a treat every time they perform rewarding behavior.
Your pet should be able to see the treats when you are training them but not be able to reach them. You can also invest in certain toys that are designed specifically to promote certain behaviors. Once your puppy is performing well in the training room, you can generalize their training and move to other rooms or even outdoors. This will help your pets know that they need to behave in a certain way no matter where they are.
How Do I Make Sure That the Training Lasts?
As mentioned before, training is a slow and steady process that requires patience. You cannot expect your pup to perform learned behaviors in all environments. Once they go outdoors, there will be a lot of distractions like cats, toys, and people that can cause your pup to forget the training and engage in old behaviors that you had trained them to unlearn. In order to avoid this, you can go back to square one and start introducing distractions like a toy or a cat in the training room. Your pup should be able to perform the right behaviors despite the distractions. If they make many mistakes, try to make the training a bit easier. You can move the distractions a bit further away from your pup, so that your dog can focus on the training and slowly start moving the distractions closer, treating your pup every step of the way.
Also, do not forget to make the training fun. Other than the regular behaviors, try to teach your pets some fun tricks that will help build a better relationship with them. If your dog is not a fan of treats and craves affection more, you can also give hugs or play with them when they perform rewarding behaviors. The important thing is to know exactly what will motivate your pup, and you can learn this through trial and error to see which technique is most effective.