Easy Treats You Can Make for Your Dog at Home

Is there a dog alive that doesn’t enjoy treats? Whether it’s a reward for good behavior or a quick afternoon snack, your dog will do anything for a tasty reward. But, buying pre-made products from the store can end up costing you a bundle of money over the course of the year.
Why not make doggie treats on your own? It’s not as challenging as you think. All it takes is a few easy-to-source ingredients and a little bit of time. Store-bought items will never have the same care and consideration for your dog as you do, so take the initiative and follow our guide to making the best treats for your pooch.
Pick up a box of dog treats the next time you’re in the store. You’ll notice a bunch of ingredients with scientific names that you didn’t even realize went into animal food production.
By making treats at home in your kitchen, you have total control over what goes into the recipe. With you at the helm, there’s little chance of fillers, preservatives, and additives making their way into the treats. There are even dog treat baking molds if you want to make something more than a quick snack for your pup!
Make your treats at home from high-quality ingredients – at a fraction of the price. Here are three quick recipes you can put together for tasty, healthy dog treats that your pooch will love.
Customize these canine culinary creations to your dog’s palette and watch them dance for joy as you pull out the treat jar.
- 1 large free-range egg
- 2 cups whole wheat flour or oat flour
- 1 tablespoon chicken or beef bouillon cubes
- Bacon bits (fried till crispy)
- ½ cup hot water or bone broth
- A pinch of salt
- Bone-shaped cookie cutter
- Preheat oven to 375F. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and set aside.
- Dissolve the bouillon in hot water or bone broth. Add all the remaining ingredients and work the mixture with your hands until it becomes doughy. Roll the dough out using a rolling pin or wine bottle.
- Use the cookie cutter to cut out as many biscuits as possible and place them on the baking tray. Bake for 25 to 30-minutes until golden brown.
When you’re making these treats, the delicious aroma may even inspire you to try one. They make the ideal sweet reward for your pooch after a hard session of fetch.
- 1 cup organic peanut butter
- 30 oz. vanilla yogurt
- Melt the peanut butter in the microwave and combine with the yogurt in a medium mixing bowl.
- Pour the mixture into ice cube trays and store in the freezer for 24 hours to set.
This recipe is an excellent way to make dog treats out of your meal leftovers.
- Pieces of meat cleaned of all seasoning
- Vegetables (no chili or onions)
- Potatoes
- Fruit (excluding raisins and grapes)
- Dice ingredients to small cubes and spray lightly with olive oil.
- Place into an oven preheated to 200F for 15-minutes.
- Remove from the oven and section into portions.
Store the goodies in an air-tight dog treat container in the fridge. Your treats should last for up to a week using this storage method. You can also store them in the freezer for longer shelf life. It’s critical to note any food allergies your pet has before you start making any treats. After you’ve made the first batch, give your dog one treat and monitor their behavior for a few hours afterward. If you find your dog scratching a lot or drinking more water than usual, they might be allergic to some of the ingredients.