3 Home Remedies for Separation Anxiety in Dogs

If you’ve ever experienced separation anxiety yourself, then you know how difficult it can be to deal with. The feeling of loneliness and insecurity can be incredibly overwhelming. Unfortunately, our four-legged friends can also experience these same symptoms, especially when left alone for extended periods of time. Separation anxiety in dogs can manifest as barking, whimpering, shaking, destruction of furniture, or destructive behavior. While it is important to seek professional help when dealing with separation anxiety in your dog, there are also simple home remedies that can help your furry friend cope.
In this post, we’ll discuss some home remedies for separation anxiety in dogs. With a little bit of patience and understanding, you can use proper training techniques, interactive dog toys, and aromatherapy to help reduce your pup’s stress while you’re away.
Causes of Separation Anxiety in Dogs
Separation anxiety is typically rooted in a dog’s desire for companionship. If a pup has been adopted from a shelter or has had multiple owners, then they may find it difficult to adjust to periods of solitude. Other possible causes include abrupt changes in routine, health problems or pain that occur while a pet is left alone, and lack of training or socialization with other dogs.
Symptoms of Separation Anxiety
When a dog experiences separation anxiety, they will often bark excessively or become destructive shortly after being left alone. Outward signs of stress can include pacing back and forth or panting heavily. Your pet may become agitated when you prepare for leaving by frantically licking their chops or engaging in restless behavior. Behaviors associated with separation anxiety may also include damage to property, so it’s important to identify the source of your pup’s stress and take corrective action.
Home Remedies for Separation Anxiety in Dogs
Proper Training Techniques
Proper training techniques play an important role in managing canine anxiety when separated from its owner. Positive reinforcement methods are ideal for teaching your pup good behaviors that will help them cope with being alone for extended periods of time. Start by encouraging calm and relaxed behavior before it’s time to leave home, such as lying down in their sleeping area or playing with a calming dog toy.
Adaptive Toys
Adaptive toys are designed to keep your pup occupied and distracted during times away from home. Puzzle toys filled with treats provide mental stimulation that exhausts your pup’s energy levels and keeps them focused on positive outlets instead of destructive behaviors caused by stress and anxiety. Look for durable interactive calming dog toys meant specifically for pets with separation issues; these will last longer than regular stuffed animals or old tennis balls!
Aromatherapy can be used to help relax dogs during periods of extended solitude at home, as certain scents have calming effects on pets that are separated from their owners. Try using essential oils like lavender or chamomile around the house before leaving, as these scents can help reduce anxiety levels in dogs. You can also try using herb-covered calming dog toys that provide stress relief when chewed on or played with. For example, some scented plush pet toys use aromatherapy to soothe anxious pups.
By understanding the causes and symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs, you can better equip yourself with the necessary tools to help reduce their stress while you’re away. From proper training techniques to adaptive toys and aromatherapy sessions, make sure your pup is well taken care of while at home alone!