Can Dogs Eat Nectarines?

If you want your dog to be as happy and healthy as possible, then it is very important to consider their diet. So, can dogs eat nectarines?
When considering a dog’s diet, it is crucial to think about whether they are getting vitamins and minerals. Many of us make the mistake of thinking of food purely in terms of fuel. We eat what we need to when we’re hungry in order to sustain activity… and that’s it. We give relatively little thought to things like vitamins, minerals, protein etc.
Even when dieting, many people think purely in terms of calories!
And we’re even more guilty of this when it comes to our dogs. It doesn’t help that most dogs will eat practically anything, and it doesn’t help that a lot of dog foods bought in stores don’t really make much effort to include nutrients, or to encourage a balanced and varied diet. That latter factor is probably not a huge surprise, given that the manufacturers would really much rather that your dog only ate the one product!
But most dog foods don’t contain anywhere near the variety of nutrients that your pet needs. And this can cause significant issues.
If your dog isn’t getting enough calcium, for instance, then this can cause bone problems and make them more likely to get a fracture. If your dog gets too much omega 6 and not enough omega 3, then this can cause inflammation—causing joint pain and potentially leading to impaired cognitive function.
Are you considering these factors?
The answer might be to share a little fruit with your dog, seeing as fruit is so well-known for being rich in nutrients.
The good news is that yes, for the most part, dogs are safe to eat nectarines. If you give your dog a little of one of your nectarines, or if you add a small slice to their dinner, then you should find that they are able to enjoy it and that it can actually help with their overall health. We’ll look at the different benefits your dog can get from nectarines in a moment.
But while all this is true, it’s also important that your dog doesn’t consume too many nectarines. That’s because consuming too many nectarines can lead to excess sugar. These are very sweet fruits and that comes from all the sugar.
You might have heard that human chocolate is very bad for dogs. This is certainly true, as it contains large amounts of sugar. And when that sugar is consumed in such large quantities, it can lead to inflammation and serious nerve damage. That serious nerve damage can lead to loss of sensation in the limbs and even blindness.
In the long term, eating large quantities of sugar from nectarines may lead to diabetes. This is because the nectarines spike the blood sugar, and the body then produces insulin to aid absorption. If this process is repeated over and over, the production of insulin is eventually reduced, and that is what leads to diabetes. Your goal should always be to never need to buy your pup diabetic dog food!
To feed your dog nectarines safely, keep it to just a few and just the occasional treat. You can also use nectarines as an occasional way to encourage your dog to eat medicine, or to sweeten up an otherwise bland and boring meal.
It’s also a good idea to remove the skin when feeding your dog nectarines as they are very rich in fiber as it is. Too much fiber can cause dogs to get bowel and digestion issues. Of course, it’s also very important to remove the pit as this can cause choking. Look out for signs of allergic reaction. While rare, this can be an issue for some dogs.
If you decide to go ahead and give your dog nectarines, then they’ll be able to benefit from a host of benefits. Nectarines are particularly high in vitamin C. Vitamin C can not only support your dog’s immune system and protect them from illness, but it also acts as a cancer-fighting antioxidant and a mood boosting precursor to the “feel good hormone” serotonin. With nectarines as an occasional treat, your dog will enjoy these health benefits!