Can Dogs Eat Apricots?

Any dog owner wants their pet to be as happy and as healthy as possible. For that reason, you of course want to make sure they’re getting the very best diet.
In human terms, that means getting as many vitamins and minerals as possible. If you want to make sure your children are enjoying the healthiest diet, then you get them to eat fruits and vegetables.
But with dogs it’s different. Dogs are smaller than us, and they have different dietary requirements. When it comes to fruit, those different dietary requirements are specifically relating to their smaller stature. That’s because the amount of sugar in a piece of fruit is proportionately much larger for a dog as compared with a human.
And as you might know, consuming too much sugar is seriously bad news for a dog and can cause diabetes if not death. This is why it’s so important that you don’t let a dog eat a box of human chocolates.
But that’s not to say that there aren’t certain fruits and vegetables that your dog can eat. And by knowing which ones are safe and how to feed them to your dog, you can ensure that they get a balanced nutritious diet of fresh fruit, without risking their health.
In this post, we’ll answer the question: “can dogs eat apricots?”
The simple answer is that yes, dogs are able to eat apricots. While it’s true that these are fruits and fruits contain sugar, it’s also true that apricots are lower in sugar than some other types of fruit, which means they can be enjoyed relatively safely.
While that’s true, it’s also true that these are still fruits and therefore still sweet and sugary. Thus, you should try to ensure that your dog does not over-indulge—limit their intake of apricots to just one a day.
Another thing to consider is that apricots contain fiber. Fiber is very good for us and very good for dogs too, but it can also be harmful if your dog eats too much of it as it can cause an upset stomach and digestion issues. Notice how fruit isn’t generally considered to be a cornerstone of the doggy diet? That’s because they don’t have hands, meaning they can’t peel the fruit, and therefore shouldn’t eat too much of it!
Finally, apricots contain a little cyanide. Yep, that’s the poison that is used in spy movies to commit suicide and avoid being interrogated! While that might sound pretty scary, the good news is that this is only in very small quantities and so isn’t a problem unless your dog eats a ton (literally) of apricots.
As mentioned, it is important that your dog limit its intake of apricots to just one a day. Better yet, save these as an occasional treat or just give them a small bite of your own.
Note as well that apricots have large seeds, which can be dangerous and could cause your dog to choke. These should absolutely be removed before feeding them to your dog.
It’s also possible that some dogs may have an allergic reaction to apricots. Keep an eye out for any signs of such a reaction. Indicators might include rapid panting and breathing, dilating of the pupils, itching, or lethargy.
Occasionally sharing an apricot with your dog is a good way to help your dog get some additional health benefits. Apricots are high in vitamins and minerals, which can help to improve your dog’s immune system, helping them to fend off colds, flu, and other issues.
At the same time, apricots are also high in potassium, which can help to prevent cramping, and it can also help to combat cancer thanks to the small amount of beta carotene. The latter is also very good for reducing cataracts, which is a common and pronounced issue for dogs.
Finally, keep in mind that apricots can also actually be a useful tool for encouraging your dog to eat other healthy foods. After all, apricots are very sweet and soft, and that means you can insert a small tablet, or add them on top of a blander dish.