Essential Commands Every Dog Needs to Know

If you’re planning on getting a dog, know that in addition to vet expenses, food, grooming, and toys, you’ll also need to train them. If you want them to be pleasant to be around, you’ll need to teach them a few commands that they will always respond to. Good training will be vital when you take them out for a walk, and will also allow your family or other visitors to be comfortable around them.
Dog Training 101: Using Tasty Dog Treats to Reward Good Behavior
When you take your dog to training classes, you’ll get a sound understanding of the importance of dog treats. If you’re letting the internet be your tutor, you’ll need some kind of rewarding activity to encourage your furry bud’s good behavior.
For dogs, a reward can be as simple as words of encouragement, petting, and interactive play. These activities are highly motivating for them and enforce proper behavior right away. However, when you combine verbal encouragement and interactive play with dog food treats, it puts a pin on good behavior. Treats are considered to be the most powerful dog training tool and can be as simple as soft chews filled with their favorite flavors.
Although it’s possible to get the job done without dog treats, we suggest using them to have your puppy’s undivided attention during training.
5 Basic Commands That Every Dog Should Respond To
It will help you calm your dog down and keep them in control.
It’s a combination of two commands; sit and stay. The sit command is used to control your dog and the stay command reinforces the concept.
For instance, if your dog is aggressive and you’ve taken them out for a walk around the block, you can instruct your dog to sit while you’re buying a bagel. Or, when you’re getting out of the car, you can instruct your dog to sit and stay inside the car until it’s safe for them to come out.
You may use it to signal them to return back to you.
Ideal for when you’re out interacting and playing with your pooch in the park. If you’re playing fetch and foresee a danger, this command will help you call them back. As soon as you see them moving towards you, offer them a nice dog treat and it’ll reinforce the command.
Ideally used to train them to not move or wander around.
It’s similar to the ‘stay’ command and will actually help you reinforce the practice in desperate times. If you’re going out to grab something from the other room, just tell them to ‘wait’ and on your return, give them a reward.
Drop It
To make them drop an object they’ve got.
If you’ve taught your dog to take/pick up objects, you need to teach them to drop them as well. The ideal way to execute this is when you have taught them the ‘take it’ command. Once they have an object in their mouth, offer them another valuable object, and as soon as your dog drops the first one, give the ‘drop it’ command. Reward both behaviors with a treat and practice until they’ve grabbed the concept.
Emergency Recall
To call your dog back in emergency situations.
This is a different command than your usual ‘come’ command. It’s meant to stop them from encountering danger, such as going in front of a moving car. The ideal way to execute this would be to call their name, followed by a come command.
Watch Me/Look
To have their undivided attention.
If your dog is an anxious/aggressive one, this command will be of massive help to help them relax and keep them focused.
Final Thoughts
Having a few safe, reliable, and fail-free words as commands is a must to ensure proper dog training. Make sure you’re teaching your fur babies these basic commands to promote happy, healthy, and safe companionship.